Selection of priority development strategies, search for for a new business niche
Comprehensive analysis and assessment of the current activities (including SWOT-analysis, BCG-matrix, QFD-matrix, analysis of factors of competitive advantage, benchmarking, etc.)
Assessment of the current potential of the company (resources, production, logistics, finance, etc.)
Matrix for making a decision on the selection of segments for development
Multi-component analysis of markets and forecast of the dynamics of their development
Selection of priority niches and assessment of barriers for a company to enter the industry
Formation of proposals for the development of the company's potential (selection of regions for initial market entry, product portfolio, pricing policy, development of marketing facilities, etc.)
Feasibility study of the company's development prospects in selected segments
Market analysis, assessment of development prospects in the market
Market volume and dynamics (retrospective analysis)
Commodity composition and forecast of market growth in the selected segments
Analysis of competitors, comparison of companies' positions in the market, assessment of the level of competition
Analysis of distribution channels in the market and its largest suppliers
Market specifics - import dependence, government participation in the market, market concentration index, market development stage, etc.
Consumers' expectations of market products or services, demand parameters, match between supply and demand.
Comparison of competitive offers in terms of technical, price and service parameters
Regional specifics of the market (geography of sales, price and assortment specifics, leading brands and suppliers)
Analysis of the demand for your products, assessment of the factors of product attractiveness
Analysis of the main trends, forecast and scenarios of market development, analysis of market opportunities and threats, assessment of the prospects for the company's development in the market
Formation of proposals for adjusting the business strategy
Comparative premises assessment for opening a business
Preliminary analysis of the location of the future business (map of the location of shopping facilities, socio-demographic section of the target audience)
Assessment of foot and vehicle accessibility. Analysis of the traffic flow in the area / near the premises. Assessment of the facade of the building, the convenience of the way to the building. Assessing whether the premises meet the criteria and regulatory requirements for the intended type of business.
Analysis of competition in the location of the future business (level of competition, price and assortment differentiation, assessment of the current demand for services, etc.)
Interviewing potential target audience (identifying the problems of companies operating in the area, frequency and characteristics of service consumption, price and assortment preferences, etc.)
Formation of the basic project concept, taking into account the specifics of the location and premises, development of the space planning.
Development of a financial model of the project, comparison of the prospects of premises
Separate marketing tasks
Development of multifactor market models, scenario modeling and
Assessment of supply and demand for products
Detailed competitive analysis
Analysis of distribution channels in the market
Market pricing analysis
Assessment of product characteristics
Analysis of territories and surroundings
Analysis of imports in the market
Analysis of public procurement of products
Specialized research of medical markets
Analysis of Rosstat databases,
federal and regional statistical collections, monitoring of the media,
industry aggregators, analysis of the official websites of companies and their corporate reporting, etc.
Observers, the "mystery shopping" method, questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, in-depth interviews with experts and potential consumers, visits to the homes of consumers of goods and services, identification of product "pain points", etc.
Detailed processing of customs declarations and contracts for the purchase of goods and services in the public segment.
Work with CRM and other documents of the company
If the report is based on secondary data, it is a simple compilation of information previously published in the media. It's not bad. However, if you are a serious market participant, then, probably, you are already familiar with its main trends. Therefore, you'd like to know something new about the market that has not been previously published in open sources.
That is why we devote considerable time to collecting exclusive primary data and forming our own databases.
The resulting set of data with which we work is a deep, diverse cross-section of the industry, allowing us to understand not only the fundamentals of the market, but also, most importantly, to determine the current and future direction of its development.
We value the time of our Clients. It is important for us that the Client gets the maximum information from our report. Therefore, we develop our reports in MS Power Point presentation format.
A distinctive feature of this format is the ability to present information in a laconic structured form: only conclusions, only optimal graphic presentation (combining several blocks of information into one slide).
This format allows our Clients not only to quickly get a deep understanding of the market, but also to easily prepare a presentation for intra-corporate meetings and industry conferences
In addition to the report, we always attach the original and processed databases. At the request of the Client, the databases can be converted into the Power BI report format, which allows to make an interactive market analysis by key parameters.
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